The human head is an enigma

 Spending my summer at the computer once again, this year's personal study subject: sculpting heads with Blender.

I've sculped a couple of 3D faces before, but not a full head, and certainly nothing that would be considered a character.

Watching Youtube for some inspiration, my first attempt was...this. Which turned out to look like a doll. I thought going the more stylistic route would be easier to figure out how this thing works in Blender, but eventually I found a great beginner's tutorial.

1st attempt

Following this guy my second attempt was much better. Feeling confident enough with the sculpt, I began deviating from the tutorial and remade the head to look like an elf. Then I tried to also figure out texturing and added some stuff to the sculpt to make the elf have at least SOME personality.

So I gave him a shirt, ruffled up the hair a bit (which took SO BLOODY LONG oh my god) and viola!

These were rendered with the Evee engine, though I later noticed Cycles gives much better lighting...

2nd attempt

And this is a test render in Cycles
as a comparison

3rd attempt